

About Group

Creates a group of endpoints to be rung when a call comes in.


Validator for the group callflow data object

Key Description Type Default Required Support Level
endpoints.[] string() false
endpoints List of endpoint (device/user/group) IDs array(string()) [] false
fail_on_single_reject If any leg rejects the call, cancel all other legs boolean() false
id Group ID string() false
ignore_forward Whether to ignore forwarded phones boolean() true false
repeats How many times to repeat dialing the group integer() 1 false
ringback Ringback to use string() false
ringtones.external Ring tone for calls from external sources string() false
ringtones.internal Ring tone for calls from external sources string() false
ringtones object() false
skip_module When set to true this callflow action is skipped, advancing to the wildcard branch (if any) boolean() false
strategy How to ring the endpoints string('single' | 'simultaneous') simultaneous false
timeout How long to attempt the group integer() 20 false