Custom notifications

Custom Callflow Notifications


The notification callflow allows accounts to send customer-defined notifications to predetermined recipients.


Validator for the 'notification' callflow's data object

Key Description Type Default Required Support Level
comments Text message that need to include into notification string() false
notification_media.[] string('email' | 'sms') false
notification_media What is media need to use for notification array(string('email' | 'sms')) false
recipients.[].id The email address/user ID or the list of email addresses/user IDs based on specified type string() | array(string()) true
recipients.[].type Controls if the ID of this object is a Kazoo user ID or an email address string('user' | 'email') true
recipients One or more specific email addresses, Kazoo user ids or a combination of both array(object()) [] true
send_at Defines when send customer defined notification. For callflow_exec value notifications is send during callflow execution. For channel_destroy value notification is send after channel(bridge) is destroyed string('callflow_exec' | 'channel_destroy') channel_destroy false
template_id Template ID of account defined notification string() false


This callflow allow send custom defined notification and then send custom account teletype template from callflow.

Notification may be send during callflow execution or after call is destroyed.

Configuring Recipients

The data object of this module can define one or more specific email addresses, Kazoo user ids or a combination of both. If a Kazoo user is provided, then the currently configured user email address is used. If no recipients are provided, then it will be assumed to be configured on the email template.

Example Callflow

           "send_at": "callflow_exec",
           "template_id": "my_custom_template",
                    "can_call_self": false,
                    "timeout": 20,
                    "delay": 0,
                    "strategy": "simultaneous"