
Route the caller to external resources (typically upstream providers).


Validator for the resources callflow data object

Key Description Type Default Required Support Level
bypass_e164 Use the original requested number instead of normalizing to E164 boolean() false
caller_id_type Which configured caller-id to use (key in the 'caller_id' object) string() external false Custom SIP Headers to be applied to calls inbound to Kazoo from the endpoint #/definitions/custom_sip_headers false
custom_sip_headers.out Custom SIP Headers to be applied to calls outbound from Kazoo to the endpoint #/definitions/custom_sip_headers false
custom_sip_headers.^[a-zA-z0-9_\-]+$ The SIP header to add string() false
custom_sip_headers A property list of SIP headers object() false
do_not_normalize Use the original requested number instead of normalizing; otherwise try to apply the endpoint's dialplan to the requested number boolean() false
dynamic_flags.[] string() false
dynamic_flags List of function names (or 'zone') that are called on the Call record to populate the 'flags' array sent to the resource(s) for matching array(string()) false
emit_account_id Toggles whether to put the account id in the SIP packets boolean() false
format_from_uri If true, puts the account realm in the From header boolean() false
from_uri_realm Override the From realm in the SIP packets string() false
hunt_account_id When using local resources, use this account instead of the account making the call (useful for resellers) string() false
ignore_early_media Toggle whether to ignore early media boolean() false false
outbound_flags.[] string() false
outbound_flags List of flags to use when matching resources to route the call array(string()) [] false
resource_type sets a custom resource type for the published amqp message string() false
ringback Tone or file to play while waiting for the leg to be answered string() false
skip_module When set to true this callflow action is skipped, advancing to the wildcard branch (if any) boolean() false
timeout How long, in seconds, to wait for the call to be answered integer() false
to_did Statically set the DID to dial string() false
use_local_resources Toggle whether to use the account's (or hunt_account_id's) resources vs the system resources boolean() true false


Custom SIP headers applied to an INVITE

Key Description Type Default Required Support Level
^[a-zA-z0-9_\-]+$ The SIP header to add string() false

Special Dynamic Flags


Adding the value "zone" to the dynamic_flags array will result in a flag set to the zone name that is executing the call.

Custom Channel Vars

Adding the value "custom_channel_vars." appended with a normalized variable name will add the value (if present) to the flags array. For example, "custom_channel_vars.owner_id".


Route to the system carriers


Route to the account's local carriers


Route to another account's local carriers


This is great for resellers; they can set their reseller account id as the hunt_account_id in callflows for their child accounts (such as in the no_match callflow).

Dynamic Flags

   "dynamic_flags": ["custom_channel_vars.owner_id", "zone"]

This will add the zone name processing the call and owner ID of the endpoint to the required flags of the resource requests. In this example only resources for that zone and owner will be selected (the resources would need the corresponding values set as available flags).

Custom SIP Headers

You can include a couple macros that will be replaced at the time of a call in the SIP headers. For instance, if you need to send the Caller-ID number as an "X-" SIP header:


By using {caller_id_number}, Kazoo will replace the header value with the actual Caller-ID number for that call. If the number was 4158867900 then the SIP INVITE would include the header X-Billing-Number: 4158867900.

You can find the listing of available macros in the /v2/schemas/ecallmgr API call; look for the expandable_macros defaults.