

About Voicemail

Puts the caller into the Voicemail system.


Validator for the Voicemail callflow element

Key Description Type Default Required Support Level
action Whether to check voicemail box or compose a new voicemail message string('check' | 'compose') compose false
callerid_match_login Whether to match the caller ID to a voicemail box boolean() false false
id The ID of the voicemail box string(32) false
interdigit_timeout The amount of time (in milliseconds) to wait for the caller to press the next digit after pressing a digit integer() 2000 false
max_message_length Max length of the message that caller can leave in voicemail box integer() 500 false
single_mailbox_login Allow login if caller has a single mailbox boolean() false false
skip_module When set to true this callflow action is skipped, advancing to the wildcard branch (if any) boolean() false

Checking voicemail

There are a couple ways to create feature codes to check a voicemail box.

Generic voicemail check


If the calling device has an owner_id and a voicemail box has the same owner_id, that voicemail box will be loaded.

If the voicemail box does not require a pin, the caller will be put into the prompts to check the box.

If the voicemail box does require a pin, the caller will need to enter the pin to access the box.

Generic voicemail check with auto-login

  "flow": {
    "module": "voicemail"
    ,"data": {
      "action": "check",
      "single_mailbox_login": true
  ,"numbers": [

If the owner of the device also only owns one voicemail box, they will be logged in automatically to that box (pin rules apply).

Generic voicemail check feature code

  "flow": {
    "module": "voicemail"
    ,"data": {
      "action": "check"
  ,"patterns": [

If you would like to tie a BLF key to monitor and check a voicemail box, create a pattern (with the literal * escaped as \\*).

For example, to monitor and check box 3456, the BLF key could be tied to *983456. This would then check box 3456 and if the device owner matches the box owner, auto-login would occur (pin rules apply here too).

!!! note If you want to do MWI subscriptions, you must configure the account or system to do so. In the callflow system_config document (or the account's config doc), set dialog_subscribed_mwi_prefix to the prefix (in this above case, *98 would be the value): sup kapps_config set_default callflow dialog_subscribed_mwi_prefix '*98'.