Authentication Token Operations

Crossbar module for operations on JWT Token, SSO/OAuth tokens.

About Authentication

Schema for auth.callback


callback for authentication providers

Key Description Type Default Required Support Level
client_id client id, usually application id for OAuth providers string() true
code access code emitted by provider string() true
provider provider string() true
redirect_uri redirect URI string() true
state state string() false

Schema for auth.provider


provider settings for authentication

Key Description Type Default Required Support Level
id string() true

Schema for


application description for authentication providers

Key Description Type Default Required Support Level
client_id client_id, usually application id for OAuth providers string() true
email email for application string() false
provider provider string() true
secret secret for application string() true

Resetting System (Kazoo) Signature Secret

System signature secret and the subject signature is being used to sign the signature in the JWT token that Kazoo is issuing.

If you feel that this system secret is compromised, use this API to reset it.

!!! danger Resetting system signature secret will invalidate all issued token! In other words all login users will be logout from the system and can't make any further request until login again. Use this API if you feel the system secret is compromised only.

!!! note Only super duper admin can reset system secret!

PUT /v2/auth

curl -v -X PUT \
    -H "X-Auth-Token: {AUTH_TOKEN}" \
    -d '{ "action": "reset_signature_secret", "data": {} }' \


Returns an empty success response.

  "timestamp": "{TIMESTAMP}",
  "version": "4.0.0",
  "node": "{NODE}",
  "request_id": "{REQUEST_ID}",
  "status": "success",
  "auth_token": "{AUTH_TOKEN}"

Resetting an Account or a User Signature Secret

System signature secret and the subject signature is being used to sign the signature in the JWT token that Kazoo is issuing.

If you feel that an account or a user secret is compromised, use this API to reset it.

!!! danger Resetting signature secret will invalidate user's issued token! In other words if the user is already login, it will be logout from the system and can't make any further request until login again.

!!! note Only the user or an account admin can reset the user's secret.

To Reset an Account Signature Secret

PUT /v2/accounts/{ACCOUNT_ID}/auth

curl -v -X PUT \
    -H "X-Auth-Token: {AUTH_TOKEN}" \
    -d '{ "action": "reset_signature_secret", "data": {} }' \

To Reset a User Signature Secret

PUT /v2/accounts/{ACCOUNT_ID}/users/{USER_ID}/auth

curl -v -X PUT \
    -H "X-Auth-Token: {AUTH_TOKEN}" \
    -d '{ "action": "reset_signature_secret", "data": {} }' \


Returns an empty success response.

  "timestamp": "{TIMESTAMP}",
  "version": "4.0.0",
  "node": "{NODE}",
  "request_id": "{REQUEST_ID}",
  "status": "success",
  "auth_token": "{AUTH_TOKEN}"

Request a new token while current token is still valid

!!! note This will fail if your password or User Signature Secret was reset.

PUT /v2/auth

curl -v -X PUT \
    -H "X-Auth-Token: {AUTH_TOKEN}" \
    -d '{ "action": "refresh_token", "data": {} }'

Get a List of Registered SSO App

This list all registered Single Sign On applications for the account's reseller. Account ID is determined in order by first from the query string account_id, or from request path (/accounts/{ACCOUNT_ID}) or from authenticated user's account id.

GET /v2/auth/apps

curl -v -X GET \
    -H "X-Auth-Token: {AUTH_TOKEN}" \


  "page_size": 1,
  "data": [
      "id": "",
      "provider": "google"
  "timestamp": "{TIMESTAMP}",
  "version": "4.0.0",
  "node": "{NODE}",
  "request_id": "{REQUEST_ID}",
  "status": "success",
  "auth_token": "{AUTH_TOKEN}"

List SSO Provider

Get a list of all Single Sign On provider.

GET /v2/auth/providers

curl -v -X GET \
    -H "X-Auth-Token: {AUTH_TOKEN}" \


  "page_size": 3,
  "start_key": [
  "data": [
      "id": "salesforce",
      "provider_type": "oauth"
      "id": "office365",
      "provider_type": "oauth"
      "id": "google",
      "provider_type": "oauth"
      "id": "duo",
      "enabled": false,
      "name": "System Default Provider",
      "provider_name": "duo",
      "provider_type": "multi_factor"
  "timestamp": "{TIMESTAMP}",
  "version": "4.0.0",
  "node": "{NODE}",
  "request_id": "{REQUEST_ID}",
  "status": "success",
  "auth_token": "{AUTH_TOKEN}"

List User's Linked SSO Applications

Get a list of the linked Single Sign On applications for the authenticated user.

GET /v2/auth/links

curl -v -X GET \
    -H "X-Auth-Token: {AUTH_TOKEN}" \


  "page_size": 1,
  "data": [
      "id": "{LINKED_USER_ID}",
      "app": "{LINKED_OAUTH_APP_ID}",
      "provider": "{LINKED_OAUTH_PROVIDER}",
      "scopes": [
      "email": "{USER_EMAIL}"
  "timestamp": "{TIMESTAMP}",
  "version": "4.0.0",
  "node": "{NODE}",
  "request_id": "{REQUEST_ID}",
  "status": "success",
  "auth_token": "{AUTH_TOKEN}"

List Public Key Cryptography

Lists a list of keys which is being used to sign and validate JWT tokens.

GET /v2/auth/keys

curl -v -X GET \
    -H "X-Auth-Token: {AUTH_TOKEN}" \


  "page_size": 1,
  "data": [
  "timestamp": "{TIMESTAMP}",
  "version": "4.0.0",
  "node": "{NODE}",
  "request_id": "{REQUEST_ID}",
  "status": "success",
  "auth_token": "{AUTH_TOKEN}"

Authenticate a User with a SSO (Create a Token from SSO Response)

After a user authenticate with Single Sign On provider, use this API to send the provider response to Crossbar to login and create a token.

PUT /v2/auth/callback

curl -v -X PUT \
    -H "X-Auth-Token: {AUTH_TOKEN}" \
    -d '{ "data": { "redirect_uri": "{MONSTER_UI_IP}", "client_id": "{OAUTH_CLIENT_ID}", "provider": "{OAUTH_PROVIDER_NAME}", "code": "{OAUTH_RESP_CODE}" } }'

Response when no User is Linked yet

If this is the first time that the user is authenticating using this SSO provider, Kazoo returns and empty response indicating that user should first login using it's own Kazoo credentials first to link the SSO application with its user. After login the user is linked with the application and it no need to manual login again.

  "page_size": 1,
  "data": {},
  "timestamp": "{TIMESTAMP}",
  "version": "4.0.0",
  "node": "{NODE}",
  "request_id": "{REQUEST_ID}",
  "status": "success",
  "auth_token": "{AUTH_TOKEN}"

Response when the User is Linked

  "page_size": 1,
  "data": {
    "owner_id": "{OWNER_ID}",
    "account_id": "{ACCOUNT_ID}",
    "reseller_id": "{RESELLER_ID}",
    "account_name": "{ACCOUNT_NAME}",
    "language": "{LANG}",
    "apps": []
  "timestamp": "{TIMESTAMP}",
  "version": "4.0.0",
  "node": "{NODE}",
  "request_id": "{REQUEST_ID}",
  "status": "success",
  "auth_token": "{AUTH_TOKEN}"

Validate and Authorize a Foreign SSO Token/App

PUT /v2/auth/authorize

curl -v -X PUT \
    -H "X-Auth-Token: {AUTH_TOKEN}" \

Get Token Information (Query String version)

Returns the information encoded in the specified authentication token (from query string token parameter).

GET /v2/auth/tokeninfo

curl -v -X GET \
    -H "X-Auth-Token: {AUTH_TOKEN}" \


  "page_size": 1,
  "data": {
    "owner_id": "{OWNER_ID}",
    "account_id": "{ACCOUNT_ID}",
    "reseller_id": "{RESELLER_ID}",
    "account_name": "{ACCOUNT_NAME}",
    "language": "{LANG}",
    "apps": []
  "timestamp": "{TIMESTAMP}",
  "version": "4.0.0",
  "node": "{NODE}",
  "request_id": "{REQUEST_ID}",
  "status": "success",
  "auth_token": "{AUTH_TOKEN}"

Get Token Information (Request Body version)

Returns the information encoded in the specified authentication token (from request body token parameter).

POST /v2/auth/tokeninfo

curl -v -X POST \
    -H "X-Auth-Token: {AUTH_TOKEN}" \
    -d '{ "data": { "token": "{AN_AUTH_TOKEN}" } }'


  "page_size": 1,
  "data": {
    "owner_id": "{OWNER_ID}",
    "account_id": "{ACCOUNT_ID}",
    "reseller_id": "{RESELLER_ID}",
    "account_name": "{ACCOUNT_NAME}",
    "language": "{LANG}",
    "apps": []
  "timestamp": "{TIMESTAMP}",
  "version": "4.0.0",
  "node": "{NODE}",
  "request_id": "{REQUEST_ID}",
  "status": "success",
  "auth_token": "{AUTH_TOKEN}"

Get a SSO Application

Get a Single Sign On application by it's ID.

GET /v2/auth/apps/{APP_ID}

curl -v -X GET \
    -H "X-Auth-Token: {AUTH_TOKEN}" \


  "page_size": 1,
  "data": {
    "id": "{APP_ID}"
  "timestamp": "{TIMESTAMP}",
  "version": "4.0.0",
  "node": "{NODE}",
  "request_id": "{REQUEST_ID}",
  "status": "success",
  "auth_token": "{AUTH_TOKEN}"

Change a SSO Application

POST /v2/auth/apps/{APP_ID}

curl -v -X POST \
    -H "X-Auth-Token: {AUTH_TOKEN}" \

Remove a SSO Application

DELETE /v2/auth/apps/{APP_ID}

curl -v -X DELETE \
    -H "X-Auth-Token: {AUTH_TOKEN}" \

Get a Public Key

Get a public key used for signing the JWT tokens issued by system.

!!! note To get the public key in form of a PEM file set Accept header as application/x-pem-file.

GET /v2/auth/keys/{KEY_ID}

curl -v -X GET \
    -H "X-Auth-Token: {AUTH_TOKEN}" \


  "page_size": 1,
  "data": {
     "public_key_pem": "-----BEGIN RSA PUBLIC KEY-----\n{A_PUBLIC_KEY}\n-----END RSA PUBLIC KEY-----\n\n"
  "timestamp": "{TIMESTAMP}",
  "version": "4.0.0",
  "node": "{NODE}",
  "request_id": "{REQUEST_ID}",
  "status": "success",
  "auth_token": "{AUTH_TOKEN}"

Reset a Private Key

Reset the private key of the system used to signing and verifying issued JWT tokens. If you feel that the private key is compromised, use this API to generate a new private and public key.

!!! danger Resetting system private will invalidate all issued token! In other words all login users will be logout from the system and can't make any further request until login again. Use this API if you feel the system private key is compromised only.

!!! note Only super duper admin can reset system private key!

PUT /v2/auth/keys/{KEY_ID}

curl -v -X PUT \
    -H "X-Auth-Token: {AUTH_TOKEN}" \
    -d '{ "action": "reset_private_key", "data": {} }'


  "timestamp": "{TIMESTAMP}",
  "version": "4.0.0",
  "node": "{NODE}",
  "request_id": "{REQUEST_ID}",
  "status": "success",
  "auth_token": "{AUTH_TOKEN}"

Fetch a SSO Provider Information

GET /v2/auth/providers/{PROVIDER_ID}

curl -v -X GET \
    -H "X-Auth-Token: {AUTH_TOKEN}" \


  "data": {
    "access_code_url": "",
    "auth_module": "oauth",
    "auth_url": "",
    "discovery": "",
    "issuer_domains": [
    // rest of the provider information...
    "id": "google"
  "timestamp": "{TIMESTAMP}",
  "version": "4.0.0",
  "node": "{NODE}",
  "request_id": "{REQUEST_ID}",
  "status": "success",
  "auth_token": "{AUTH_TOKEN}"

Make changes to SSO Provider

!!! note Only super duper admin can make changes to SSO provider!

POST /v2/auth/providers/{PROVIDER_ID}

curl -v -X POST \
    -H "X-Auth-Token: {AUTH_TOKEN}" \

Remove a SSO Provider

!!! note Only super duper admin can delete a SSO provider!

DELETE /v2/auth/providers/{PROVIDER_ID}

curl -v -X DELETE \
    -H "X-Auth-Token: {AUTH_TOKEN}" \

Get an User's Linked SSO Applications Information

GET /v2/auth/links/{LINK_ID}

curl -v -X GET \
    -H "X-Auth-Token: {AUTH_TOKEN}" \


  "data": {
    "email": "{USER_EMAIL}",
    "verified_email": true,
    "scope": "{PROVIDER_SCOPE}",
    "scopes": ["{SCOPES}"],
    "profile": { //user's profile },
    "display_name": "{Test Person}",
    "id": "d6faaff6b054393f28356ab7b38ad1bf-116254222860442180295"
  "timestamp": "{TIMESTAMP}",
  "version": "4.0.0",
  "node": "{NODE}",
  "request_id": "{REQUEST_ID}",
  "status": "success",
  "auth_token": "{AUTH_TOKEN}"

When the user is signing on with A Single Sign On provider for the first time, it should login with its own Kazoo credentials one more time, and then make a request to this API to link its Kazoo's user to the SSO. After that the user can sign in with SSO regularly and no need to use Kazoo credentials again.

PUT /v2/auth/links/{LINK_ID}

curl -v -X PUT \
    -H "X-Auth-Token: {AUTH_TOKEN}" \


  "data": {
    "email": "{USER_EMAIL}",
    "verified_email": true,
    "scope": "{PROVIDER_SCOPE}",
    "scopes": ["{SCOPES}"],
    "profile": { //user's profile },
    "display_name": "{Test Person}",
    "id": "d6faaff6b054393f28356ab7b38ad1bf-116254222860442180295"
  "timestamp": "{TIMESTAMP}",
  "version": "4.0.0",
  "node": "{NODE}",
  "request_id": "{REQUEST_ID}",
  "status": "success",
  "auth_token": "{AUTH_TOKEN}"

DELETE /v2/auth/links/{LINK_ID}

curl -v -X DELETE \
    -H "X-Auth-Token: {AUTH_TOKEN}" \


  "data": {
    "email": "{USER_EMAIL}",
    "verified_email": true,
    "scope": "{PROVIDER_SCOPE}",
    "scopes": ["{SCOPES}"],
    "profile": { //user's profile },
    "display_name": "{Test Person}",
    "id": "d6faaff6b054393f28356ab7b38ad1bf-116254222860442180295"
  "timestamp": "{TIMESTAMP}",
  "version": "4.0.0",
  "node": "{NODE}",
  "request_id": "{REQUEST_ID}",
  "status": "success",
  "auth_token": "{AUTH_TOKEN}"