The Request Payload

You can configure whether you receive the data as a query string in a GET or as a URL-encoded body in a POST.


Some of the fields may not be included in every request.

Field Description
Call-ID The unique call identifier
Account-ID The account id receiving the call
From The SIP From username
From-Realm The SIP From realm
To The SIP To username
To-Realm The SIP To realm
Request The SIP Request username
Request-Realm The SIP Request realm
Call-Status Status of the call
Api-Version The version of the API
Direction The direction of the call, relative to Kazoo
Caller-ID-Name Caller ID Name
Caller-ID-Number Caller ID Number
User-ID The Kazoo User identifier(s) of the caller
Language The caller's language preference
Recording-Url Where the recording will be stored
Recording-Duration How long the recording is
Recording-ID The recording id
Digits Any DTMF (or collection of DTMFs) pressed