Events counts are collected by kazoo_stats.erl running on every kazoo cluster node and are regularly sent via the targeted/statistics amqp queue to the stats application. The stats application can be queried using SNMP. There are 3 SNMP tables, each reporting information grouped by 1. Node/VM. This is for items common to all nodes 2. Ecallmgr. This table reports ecallmgr events grouped by ecallmgr node. 3. SIP domain. Reports events grouped by SIP domains/accounts.
The items collected are based on KAZOO-200, and includes:
- Memory stats on each node - total, processes, system, atom, binary and code and erlang version. Number of AMQP requests and errors. Number of BigCouch errors (error code 504 and others).
- Ecallmgr process count, number of reductions, number of registration attempts and failures, number of subscribes
- Then for each sip domain, numbers of successful/unsuccessful call attempts based on the CDR Hangup-cause.
The SNMP service is currently configured to run on port 4000, uses the OID for Kazoo with the read only version 2c community string "public".
To test it, go to /opt/kazoo/applications/stats and run On each node, run kazoo_stats_sup:start_link(). snmpwalk -v 2c -c public localhost:4000
There are three modules - kazoo_snmp.erl that provides the implementation functions for the SNMP interface, kazoo_stats.erl that runs on each node, and stats_handler.erl that collects the stats sent by each node, and aggregates the data.
Update the OID number 700001 to the registered number for Kazoo/2600Hz Implement IP based ACLs for access to SNMP.