Kz notify resender

Notification re-sender task

This task is for try to re-publish notifications which failed to published at their generation time.

Notifications are tried to publish by kapps_notify_publisher, if the publisher failed to publish them for any reason (network problem, teletype are not running), it saves them to a database which this task is picking them up from there and retries to publish.


All configuration are in system_config/tasks.notify_resend.

Key Description Type Default
cycle_delay_time_ms Timeout in milliseconds between each cycle integer 300000
max_doc_read Max number of notifications to read from database for each cycle integer 20
max_retries Default max retries to re-publish integer 3
reschedule_rules Re-schedule rules for each notification type to apply object {}
retry_after_fudge_s Constant time in seconds which would be multiplied with attempts to set retry time integer 600


Notify resender read a specific number of jobs from database and tries to re-publish them. If for any reason the publish failed, the notification would be reschedule to retry to another time. This where you can apply your own reschedule logic to each notification type.

Take voicemail_new as example, maybe you want to reschedule it to run after 15 minutes after first attempt, 45 minutes after second attempts and etc.

Rescheduler logic a JSON object, each key of the object is the name of the notification type (voicemail_new for example) and their value is another JSON object which contains the rules for that notification type in the rules key.

This rules is JSON object as follow:

    "name_of_the_rule_1": {
        "retry_after_s": 900,
        "retries": 4,
        "attempt": 1

So if the publish attempt is the first attempt, this match this rule, and it would be retries in at least in 1000 milliseconds (as specified by retry_after_s).

The whole default reschedule_rules rules is as follow:

  "voicemail_new": {
    "rules": {
      "after_one_day": {
        "retry_after_s": 86400,
        "retries": 4,
        "attempt": 4
      "after_two_hours": {
        "retry_after_s": 7200,
        "retries": 4,
        "attempt": 3
      "after_45_mins": {
        "retry_after_s": 2700,
        "retries": 4,
        "attempt": 2
      "after_15_mins": {
        "retry_after_s": 900,
        "retries": 4,
        "attempt": 1